Letter to the Editor - Mineola American
Paul Pereira was both my teacher and my coach at Mineola High School. For the last eight years he has also served on our Village Board. Today, I am proud to call Paul Pereira my friend. Since first being elected to the board in 2008, Paul has dealt with numerous issues and challenges including budgetary concerns, fiscal long term planning—which are not quick fix financial gimmicks and not to be patched up with borrowing millions of dollars. The current board members have demonstrated prudent fiscal management with the significant reduction of bond debt from $33 million to the current $12 million. This directly affects and keeps our taxes low—thank you Paul. This administration’s “pay as you go” policy is to be commended. He has dealt with union contracts, public safety, emergency management and land use concerns. He was also part of the team that finally resolved longstanding issues such as the Bruce Terrace flooding problem and crippling tax certiorari payments.
Paul continues to demonstrate his ability to be a team player as the village prepares for snow storms and even for major events like Superstorm Sandy. He plays a pivotal role working closely with Mayor Strauss, obtaining assets and manpower from outside sources. Their planning and team work pays off as Mineola recovers faster from every storm than neighboring communities.
Paul Pereira is building a viable future for our village. As we all know, like many of us, Mr. Pereira is raising his young family in his hometown of Mineola. He has worked as a teacher in the Mineola School District since 1993. His commitment to our village is evident.It is for these reasons we should reelect Trustee Pereira.
- Daniel Correira
Letter to the Editor - Mineola American
It is with great pleasure to know that Paul Pereira is again running for trustee of the Village of Mineola.
Paul has proven himself to be a true leader within the village. Throughout his time sitting on the board, I have seen a man navigate this village out of a $33,000,000 debt all while improving the infrastructure of the village.
What truly impresses me about any leader is when a decision has to be made; an explanation as to how this decision was arrived at is also given. Paul has always taken the time to explain the how and why to any decision that is made. A transparent government is one that will always work to the success of the citizens.
I do not think any of the residents of the village, including myself, realize the time and effort any elected official must put into the job to ensure that the village runs smoothly. Paul continually makes himself available at all times to ensure that the residents’ concerns are being addressed.
Leadership, honesty, transparency and dedication…four characteristics that all elected officials should possess. Paul Pereira has all four and continues to put the best interest of the village as his main objective.
I respectfully ask that on Election Day (March 15, 2016) you vote for Paul Pereira so that the village can continue to move in the positive direction that it has been.
- Donna M. Solosky
Letter to the Editor - Mineola American
I am supporting Paul Pereira for Mineola Trustee in the upcoming Village elections on March 15.
Paul has been part of the governing team that has brought our village smart growth, near zero tax increases , new capital improvements including the upgrade of Memorial Park that has a new band shell, upgraded tennis courts, walkways and other facilities, new fire truck and other capital equipment and vehicles to maintain village services, a vision for revitalizing our downtown, significantly reducing our bond debt, increasing our bond rating through proper Village budgeting, reducing the certioraris payments by the village due to the institution of proper assessments, upgrades to our parks at Wilson Field and Emory Road, and increased funding to repave our streets and curbs.Paul has lived in Mineola most of his life along with his wife and three children. He is a popular educator and soccer coach in our school district and has been active in various community organizations. His goals for Mineola are our goals.
One person I will not be voting for is John Colbert who is running for trustee. When he was in office Mineola debt was so high that we were nearly bankrupt and bond agencies downgraded us so that borrowing became more expensive. It would be like a homeowner taking out an equity loan to pay for lawn service and weekly home purchases instead of properly spending capital funds for a new roof, kitchen and bathroom upgrades. During his administration board meetings weren’t public, all of the village business was handled behind closed doors to keep the public in the dark. Today they are in an open forum and televised for all residents to be able to stay current. I am a lifelong resident and I don’t want to go back to the dark ages.
Paul Pereira offers us a clear choice for continued quality of village services and upgrades. Vote For Paul Pereira on March 15, Election Day.
- John P. Bernardes
Letter to the Editor - Mineola American
We are supporting trustee and deputy mayor Paul Pereira in his bid for re-election, in part for what he has already accomplished for our village, and in part for what we know he will continue to do on our behalf. Our village is at a very important stage in the development of the downtown area, and it is critical to elect leaders who truly understand and support the core principles of the downtown development master plan. Paul brings a wealth of experience, open-mindedness and articulate opinion to his service as Village Trustee. We are honored to support Paul as he runs for re-election. Given the challenges and tough decisions the Village will face in the upcoming months and years, we need that caliber of individual on our village board.
- Karen and Peter Smith
New Line Party President Rick Maher announced that the New Line Party filed nominating petitions with the Village Clerk on February 2, 2016 officially securing a place on the March 15th ballot for Trustee Paul Pereira. Pereira thanked those who helped gather over 500 signatures supporting his reelection, “Gathering signatures to run for office is not an easy task but I want to thank those who signed my petition and for their vote of confidence supporting the upward direction our Village is going.”
“Paul is seeking his fifth term as Trustee,” Maher continued, “and has the reputation of being a hard worker dedicated to improving and protecting the Village. Paul is known for trying to help residents when they have complaints or issues. He enjoys working on projects like the total revitalization of Memorial Park and improvements to the pool in addition to supporting the purchase of a new tower ladder purchased for the fire department to provide greater protection to our residents. Roads are being rebuilt, new state of the art equipment has been purchased for the DPW department and services to senior citizens are outstanding. He is dedicated to public service and is worthy of our support and reelection.”
Paul is a lifelong resident of Mineola. He and his wife Diana have three children, Andrew, Sofia, and Ana.
Contact: info@newlineparty.org
Putting Mineola First
The New Line Party